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Writer's pictureTina Johnson

The Story Behind Tomestic

“The medium is the message" is a phrase coined by the Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan and the name of the first chapter in his ‘Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man,’ published in 1964. He proposed that a communication medium itself, not the messages it carries, should be the primary focus of study. He also claimed that artifacts as media affect any society by their characteristics or content.

With McLuhan’s revelation in mind, Tomestic’s Founder and CEO, Poet De’Medici, questioned whether the medium of books is being done justice within a 21st century context. The answer prompted him to go beyond the printed page. He added another layer of experience by incorporating Extended Reality (ER) which is the umbrella term for immersive technologies which include AR, VR, MR and AI. Not only is Tomestic a service and a product, it’s also a brand-new MEDIUM.

The catalyst for the idea was the novel, “Above You, A Black Sun”, which Poet authored in 2017. After completion, he thought about marketing it. How could this work of historical fiction – an antebellum South slave narrative -- be properly represented? A friend introduced him to 19 Crimes (Living Wine Labels) and suggested the concept be utilized for the book cover. Another discussion with a tech colleague led to the conclusion that AR could be featured throughout the entire book. Ultimately, a mentor concluded he should augment ALL books. At that point, Poet knew he needed to create an original IP (i.e., system) and a device (the Organic Living Book) around the idea which led to the patent. While doing so, he was determined to create a unique niche on the IP spectrum.

Tomestic continues its quest to transform the medium of books as it pursues multiple endeavors including the development of its patent-pending Organic Living Book. Our hybrid medium of publishing, digital production, and information technology merges physical and digital worlds to create an immersive reading experience. We intend to harness extended reality to reach and engage an audience that expects an elevated level of interactivity and entertainment, culminating in a goal to raise global learning retention by 2030.

Poet’s novella is available for purchase on our ‘Products’ page. A unique mix of video, animation and music breathe life into this historic slave narrative when the book’s imagery is triggered with our exclusive Tomestic app. Once you’ve experienced this incredible, multimedia immersion, spread the word about what we’re up to!

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