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Writer's pictureTina Johnson

Tome Tip: Our Founder’s Viewpoint on Team Dynamics and Company Culture

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

Team dynamics are forces that influence how individuals work together, perform and accomplish team goals. At their best, positive organizational culture, leadership and team dynamics create the ripple effects that generate high performance and affect every aspect of the business. Company culture is the sum of formal and informal systems, behaviors and values, all of which create an experience for employees and customers. At the core, it’s how things get done in the workplace.

Tomestic’s CEO and Founder, Poet De’Medici has a lot to say about both.

“First and foremost, you must inspire your team to come alongside you.”

“In the beginning, you’re going to have to do pretty much everything on your own. As you hit certain milestones, that credibility has leverage and others will want to join. People want to get paid to do what they love. Often, we associate income with a chore or burden. What you’re really creating as a founder are paradigms which makes you a reality distorter. You need to be aware of this and do it deliberately.”

“I’m responsible for communicating our essence, identity, and spirit of everything we’re doing. Your company will have its own identity and essentially run you because it’s an entity. If you build it right, it will outlive you. You should never intend to build a personality-driven enterprise.”

“Team members will sniff you out if you’re a fraud. For example, I never told any of my coders that I know how to code. I’ve always been real and let them know I’m into the human culture. My job is to focus on the reading experience.”

“Technology is a tool that prompts me to ask myself, is it about the end or the means? It’s really about the end when it comes to technology. Smartphones make information more accessible; Smartcars elevate the driving experience. Our coders need someone like me to remind them what we’re doing requires 'design thinking' with the end user in mind. If developers ran a company, the product would be too complex for the average person to understand.”

“It was someone like Steve Jobs who made sure the medium of the personal computer was accessible to all people. That wasn’t the mind of Steve Woz. The partnership was complete and made sense because of their synergy. This is the dynamic we have at Tomestic. I never perpetrate the fraud I’m a tech guy. I always let everyone know I’m a polymathic, visionary guy and I think about human design at the end of the day.”

“I’m focused on creating the experience our children will have when the school and educational system is defunct. They can always download the Tomestic app and have a living experience with whatever book is in our database that they want to interact with more viscerally than a traditional book or a YouTube screen.”

“Be very mindful of how you create your culture. Don’t let anybody tell you the way it should work. If everyone is professional and emotionally fulfilled, no matter the circumstances, you’ll retain its identity.”

This message is an excerpt from an interview with Poet and Dave Ledgerwood, host of the Leaders of B2B podcast. You can listen to all of the content here:

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