{ "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "Tomestic.com", "Id": "74b4cd26-b6ff-48e0-acdf-ffc9370f90a0" } Mixed Reality’s cutting-edge innovations
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Mixed Reality’s cutting-edge innovations

Mixed Reality’s cutting-edge innovations are poised to merge our wildest imaginations with real life. Innovations on the horizon only a short time ago have arrived and are rapidly infiltrating the tech world.

Mixed Reality (MR) is a blend of physical and digital worlds, unlocking natural and intuitive 3D human, computer, and environmental interactions, based on advancements in computer vision, graphical processing, display technologies, input systems, and cloud computing.

MR uses a series of cameras, sensors, and often AI-enhanced technology to process data about a space and use that information to create digitally enhanced experiences. Using that map, the MR technology can add holographic images and content into the world through image projections.

Initially, it was assumed MR was just an extension of Augmented Reality (AR) as both technologies mix the real and virtual worlds. However, MR is a bit more complex. While AR embeds digital content into the real world, MR merges the two environments to produce new visualizations, opportunities, and interactions. For example, you can build a holographic version of a new car with your design team or use 3D projections and simulations to interact with and manipulate virtual objects in a classroom. In short, there are unlimited applications.

MR blends the physical and digital worlds. These two realities mark the polar ends of a spectrum known as the virtuality continuum or MR spectrum. On one end is the physical reality in which humans exist, with the corresponding digital reality on the other. Devices today are designed support a specific range between these two points. In the future, new devices with more expansive capabilities are expected: holographic devices will be more immersive, and immersive devices will be more holographic.

Two primary devices currently deliver an MR experience: Holographic devices, characterized by the device's ability to display digital objects as if they existed in the real world and immersive VR devices, characterized by the device's ability to create a sense of presence by blocking out the physical world and replacing it with a fully immersive digital experience.

The global MR market was valued at USD 553.27 million in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 5.81 billion by 2026 and grow at a CAGR of 47.9% over the forecast period (2021 - 2026). MR is gaining widespread recognition across business processes, and the momentum is expected to accelerate further.

MR environments drive almost double the visual attention in the brain (as opposed to non-MR tasks) and these experiences store up to 70% more within memory. Tomestic's patent-pending technology will generate and deliver Extended Reality (ER) content (which incorporates MR) to physical, electronic, and audio media using deep learning algorithms, dynamic differential programming, and application programming interfaces. Discover all the details at tomestic.com. #mixedreality#extendedreality#immersivetechnology

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